Extended Reality – the value of a modified reality


Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, internet-based sales of products and services has shown unprecedented growth. According to figures from the Dutch Central Statistics Agency CBS1), retail internet turnover in the second quarter of 2020 was more than 54% higher than the year before. Online sales even increased by 68% at stores whose internet sales are a secondary activity.

1) CBS: Coronacrisis jaagt online winkelen aan in het tweede kwartaal

Remote help

But a remote customer often needs a bit of extra support. For example when trying on new glasses or to see if that nice sofa fits in the living room. To take a look around the cruise ship that is booked for the summer holidays, or as a guideline when installing a new TV.

Extended Reality offers companies and organisations more and more possibilities to support their customers in this: augmented reality (AR), where simulated 3D objects are brought to the user's environment, and virtual reality (VR), where the user is in a simulated 3D environment.

Broadly speaking, the applications can be divided into three categories:

  • Presales – AR and VR offer potential customers the opportunity to become familiar with a product or service, making them more likely to purchase it.
  • Sales – According to research, customers spend significantly more in physical stores than online, partly due to impulse purchases. Thanks to the application of AR and VR, you give customers the option of ‘virtual e-shopping’, thus creating the real shopping feeling.
  • Support – Thanks to VR and AR, it becomes much easier for the customer to start using a product or fix any ‘bugs’ themselves without the help of a written manual or a support person. Research shows that more than 70% of consumers even prefer this.

A godsend for customers and employees

These technologies are also becoming more widely applicable in the contact centre and can enormously improve the service level – and thus the customer experience. An increased First Contact Resolution (FCR), for example, because thanks to AR and VR, service employees are able to visually communicate with customers and can therefore help them much more effectively. Research2) even shows a 20% increase in FCR. But also a rise in self-service, which reduces the burden on the contact centre. And what about a decrease in returns because customers are much better informed prior to their purchase?

VR and AR can also be used for training and onboarding purposes, for example as a replacement for or addition to more traditional learning methods such as computer-based or group training. This makes training more accessible, interactive and efficient.

AR and VR, therefore, bring benefits not only for the customer but also for the employee!

2) TechSee: Infographic: AR In Customer Service

Whitepaper 'From the pit lane to pole position'

The customer experience has become the competitive tool of choice, and in a world where customer behaviour and customer needs are changing at breakneck speed, the need for innovative technologies and automation in the contact centre is increasing. Those who do not invest in innovation run into an unbridgeable deficit.

In our whitepaper ‘From the pit lane to pole position: The urgency of customer-centric innovation in the contact centre’, we discuss the different ways AI and other technologies can be applied in contact centres. They help to find the right balance between man and machine, and between scalability and ‘personal touch’, in order to optimally serve the customer.

Don't get stuck in the pit lane, invest now in the technology that puts your company in pole position. We are happy to help you on your way.

Download our whitepaper here

About DDM

At DDM Consulting, we understand that a 'one size fits all' approach is unthinkable when it comes to choosing a customer contact platform. After all, every organisation is unique! That's why we offer you a wide range of renowned contact centre solutions, and provide advice based on over 20 years of experience in customer contact.

Evolution, not revolution

Together with you, we’ll evaluate your current contact centre processes and your requirements for the new platform. We’ll advise and assist you in developing more efficient workflows, driven and supported by AI wherever possible. Based on your priorities, we’ll create a dynamic roadmap that makes the transition to a new, improved contact centre manageable.

Proactively embracing cutting-edge technology

This roadmap remains central to the project, even after the new platform is up and running. It evolves with changes within your organisation and developments in contact centre technology. Our experts assess every new release to determine its value to you as a customer. They take the initiative, ensuring you always have the relevant knowledge at your fingertips.

Creative solutions for better customer contact

And if you're looking for specific functionalities that aren't (yet) available on the chosen platform, there is plenty of scope for in-house development of add-ons tailored to your needs. Our team possesses the business and technical expertise to achieve the maximum potential, even if you've opted for an out-of-the-box solution.

DDM Consulting provides the proactive and creative approach to your CX evolution!